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# 133 Blood Flow Restriction Training


Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training has been shown to result in hypertrophy, strength gains, and functional improvements while utilizing low-load high repetitions to encourage safety, minimize over-training, and minimize inflammation of affected areas. This occurs by allowing arterial flow to the desired muscle while restricting venous return, selectively manipulating the physiology of the muscle during the training session. This is extremely beneficial for patients who are in their peak training cycle, injured, or recovering from surgery. It is also beneficial for older adults who are attempting to improve strength, endurance, and independence while minimizing the risk associated with high-load interventions. 


Instructor: Josh McGinty PT, DPT, ATC, OCS and David Buuck, PT, DPT, OCS


Course Cities and Dates:

None scheduled at this time 

# 133 Blood Flow Restriction Training



    7 Hrs


    7 Hrs

    Group Discount – Five or more registrations



    Individual Registration



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