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#7370 Strategic Wrapping Techniques: Enhancing Therapeutic Effectiveness


Functional outcomes of independence and full participation are compromised when treatment is ineffective, or there is poor carry-over. Disuse or injury can cause muscle contracture, scarring, and fascial restriction, in turn affecting vascular and nerve mobility.  Intrinsic movement of skin, muscles, bones, blood vessels, and nerves, along with all the other structures of the body are organized, layered and supported in the fascial system when a person is healthy and active, and consequently is significantly affected when movement is impaired. Gross movement becomes further restricted repeating the cycle of secondary issues.  Successful treatment may require more intensive simultaneous multi-system intervention for successful carry-over.


Wrapping strategies such as Fabrifoam Superwrap, abdominal binders and kinesiotape are effective therapy tools that provide compression and support for improved joint alignment, improved skin and fascial mobility, and increased somatosensory awareness. 

This course will address multi-system intervention utilizing NDT handling strategies and the use of wrapping as an adjunct to address specific multi and single system impairments.


Discussion, application, and execution of therapeutic intervention using wrapping techniques will be highlighted in this workshop. Combination of didactic and laboratory learning experiences will emphasize the integration when using wrapping during intervention.  Course instruction method includes: Lecture, Demonstration, Videos, and Question/Answers.


Instructor: Brenda J. Lindsay PT, C/NDT


Live Webinar Dates and Times:

#7370 on Friday, May 10, 2024 from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM ET


Self Study Will Be Available on May 11th, 2024


#7370 Strategic Wrapping Techniques: Enhancing Therapeutic Effectiveness

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