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# 316 Pediatric Myofascial Release and Its Application to Neuro-Developmental Treatment


Fascia is a web of thin elastic tissue, which exists, in continuous layers throughout the body. Muscles, bones and all other structures inside the body are organized and supported in this web. When atypical posture and movement alter the natural and efficient alignment of the skeleton, the fascial system adapts by contracting and bonding. It will shorten, thicken and attach itself to neighboring structures in an effort to support the current alignment of the individual.

As therapists we can improve our clinical decision making skills by forming and testing hypotheses regarding critical impairments when treating individuals diagnosed with multiple system impairments such as cerebral palsy, stroke, congenital hypotonicity, and other neuromotor impairments.

We will review the Fascial system as it relates to individuals with atypical posture and movement. The primary focus of this workshop will be on the hands-on treatment, using MFR addressing the musculoskeletal system that is needed prior to facilitation of movement.  Discussion on the creation and execution of therapeutic intervention and clinical decision making to assure success will be incorporated. A combination of didactic, video examples, and laboratory learning experiences will emphasize the integration of MFR and the NDT framework as the foundation for intervention when treating either pediatric or adult individuals with central nervous system dysfunction.

This workshop focuses on the basic myofascial releases as it applies to soft tissue elongation and NDT facilitation. This material is useful for Physical, Occupational and Speech therapists and assistants working with either the adult or pediatric populations.



Instructor: Gail Ritchie, OTR, C/NDT


Course Cities and Dates:


# 316 Pediatric Myofascial Release and Its Application to Neuro-Developmental Tr

  • Prices



    Group Discount – Five or more registrations



    Individual Registration



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