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# 410 Exam & Intervention to Reduce Hospital Readmission for Patient's with COPD


Many rehabilitation programs are focusing an increased effort on assisting with the reduction of the high readmission rates experienced with patients with a diagnosis of COPD. In order to be successful in those efforts, rehabilitation experts, including physical, occupational and respiratory therapists must be well versed in the functional impairments related to COPD, but also the implications of the medical management of COPD on the rehabilitative process. This course will cover all elements of the rehabilitation process from examination and intervention of the patient with COPD to the pathophysiology, pharmacology and the most current literature on how to be successful reducing hospital readmissions. This course is ideal for any professionals interested in contributing to decreased hospital readmission rates at their health system, but also for those who interact with COPD on a regular basis that want to improve the quality of care provided to those individuals. This course will also provide a detailed look at lab values and their application to management of the medically complex patients in relationship to rehabilitation. Attendees will be educated in how to access lab values resources. Discussion of concerns related to acute and chronic lab values changes and their implications.


Instructor:Kristin Lefebvre, PT, PhD, CCS


Course Cities and Dates:

None scheduled at this time











# 410 Exam & Intervention to Reduce Hospital Readmission for Patient's with COPD



    7 Hrs


    7 Hrs

    Group Discount – Five or more registrations



    Individual Registration



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